Hot Rock Star Daddy An Alpha Male Romance Read online

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  “I will let you know what we decide on dinner reservations. In fact, pencil us in for 7:00 PM and you never know we could have built up an appetite by then,” She giggles and they share a whispered confidence until she is motioning me to join her on the elevator.

  I follow the click of her heels and she sways her hips with a confident attitude. We don’t have any luggage, but we bring with us a fair share of baggage.

  I stand behind her, leaning against the mahogany wall and looking up at the camera with a wink. I callously frame my fingers to bring into focus her sculpted hindquarters. They are perfectly symmetrical in the shape of half moons. I bite my bottom lip with anticipation of seeing them unencumbered by clothes.

  “I know you are being a bad boy, but I guess that makes me a bad girl. You make it very difficult to be serious when there’s only one thing on my mind. I want to make one thing perfectly clear. Whatever happens in the room stays between us and nobody else. That includes bragging to your band members and bringing into your confidence your daughter. Our brush with death certainly gives us both motivation.” The elevator is climbing and she speaks to me without looking at me.

  I know deep down she worries that one look will have her jumping into my arms in a public display of affection. I know I wouldn’t be complaining, but I sense her hesitation.

  She’s nervously bouncing back and forth on her heels and I can hear her breathing faster with each breath. It actually makes me anxious, but I’m not going to do anything to spook her.

  “People take for granted that they will be here tomorrow to say what is on their mind. We procrastinate never really knowing when our time is up. I don’t want to look back and think that I could’ve done something differently,” I confess and my hands draw closer until I hear her gasp of startled delight when I put my fingers around her locking them in place.

  “You’re making it very difficult to be completely honest with you. Damn it, why do you have to act like a little boy? I feel like a kid at Christmas getting ready to open up my present meticulously wrapped underneath the tree.” She stumbles and falls away from my grasp when the elevator suddenly stops between floors.

  Her panic is evident by the way that her fair complexion turns ghostly. All the color drains from her face and I touch her only to receive the back of her hand instinctively lashing out.

  I catch it and grab her by the wrist before she can make contact with my face. It would ruin the mood to feel the sting of her terror.

  “This is all my fault…this is all my fault…this is all my fault,” She repeats the same five words over and over again while pacing back and forth wearing a metaphorical hole in the dark blue carpeting of the elevator.

  “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it appears to be a mechanical malfunction. We are working on it, but it could be some time before we get you out of there.” It’s a voice from the intercom and it seems like this is just another obstacle to keep us from being together.

  Chapter 9


  “We’re perfectly fine in here, but whatever you can do to get us out of here is appreciated. It is getting pretty hot in here.” He glances back and smiles alluding to how the presence of a man and a woman ready to throw caution to the wind is making the temperature rise exponentially.

  He hangs up the phone and closes the compartment before turning his attention to me. I know what he wants that I want the same thing, but I still have a painful truth to reveal.

  I almost blurt out the full details of my complicit actions. It’s criminal and I could go to jail, but I need to come clean.

  He won’t let me say much of anything and touching me takes the words out of my mouth.

  I don’t like the feeling of being trapped. It makes me squirrelly and I have no idea what I’m saying in the moment.

  “I’m being punished and unfortunately you are feeling the blowback of God’s wrath against me. I have a confession to make and it looks like I have a captive audience of one.” I open my mouth to say the words I never thought I would be giving a voice, but he stops me by pressing his body up against me.

  “The past is the past and should remain there. I see how much this is bothering you. Trust me; we’ve all done things we wish that we could take back. I know I still have to make amends, but I don’t even know where to begin in the 12 step program. I can’t remember most the things I have done to rub people the wrong way,” He said with his fingers playing along the hemline of my skirt, grazing my skin and slowly turning a spark into a flame.

  “What I have done is far worse than your tantrums and throwing things for no good reason. Those don’t even measure up.” He manipulates my train of thought by kissing me hard and with insistence injecting his tongue into my mouth to drive me wild with animal urges.

  My curiosity compels me to grab the flex of his cock. It reacts with a pumping rhythm against my fingertips. I moan when he changes tactics and kisses my neck sending shivers down my spine. His fingers are playing down my spine until he is cupping my ass with both hands.

  I shriek and throw my head back with the enjoyment of him stimulating my erogenous zones. He knows exactly how to touch me to bring about my complete surrender.

  My skirt rises an inch at a time until I can feel the cool air against my soaking wet panties. One finger traces the outline of the crotch of those black panties and I can feel the hunger grabbing me by the throat. I can’t breathe and I feel like I’m suffocating, but I don’t care.

  “You have a compelling way about you and it’s hard to resist. I want to see you and I’m not going to take no for an answer,” He whispers while exposing my naked slit to his warm finger looking for access.

  He gets down in a compromising position looking up at me with his eyes on fire. He penetrates and I grab his shoulders with my fingernails digging into his shirt. I want more, but I can’t say the words. I don’t have to and he seems to understand the only way this is going to happen is by taking the initiative.

  My skirt falls down over his head capturing him in the scent of my sexual heat. The first touch of his tongue sends those signals to my brain exploding with pleasure. My legs quiver and I want to find the words to tell him to stop, but they don’t materialize.

  His tongue finds entry and those thoughts of him consuming my every waking hour are culminating with an orgasm right within my fingertips.

  It’s quite sudden and overpowering making me push against the wall with my hands. My eyes are shut and my head is swimming followed by this moan of hungry acceptance.

  His tongue knows my body and he is constantly changing techniques to keep me from knowing what he’s going to do from one moment to the next. The way that he lashes my clit with no mercy gives new meaning to the word tenacious.

  “We’ve never done this before, but it feels natural for you to be in this position. I fucking love the way you do that. I’m going out of my mind. I can feel it and I’m begging you not to stop.” The first orgasm pales in comparison with the second one.

  It’s more powerful and jaw-dropping leaving me breathless with desire.

  I slowly lose my balance with my legs becoming like jelly. I find myself on the floor with my legs spread and his face still occupying the space between my legs. I tug at his hair twisting the locks around my fingers trying to get him to stop, but he doesn’t seem to hear me.

  He continues in my post aftermath bliss to make me twitch every time he touches my oversensitive flesh. He’s having fun at my expense and I try to crawl away, but there’s only so far I can go before he catches up with me.

  I’m pressing the buttons on the elevator praying for a reprieve. He’s behind me and I know what he’s going to do. I can feel his tongue moving along those lips and over the forbidden hole. It’s an experience to remember and the stimulation only confirms we are made for one another.

  I plaster my body up against the buttons with my nipples pressing into two of them at the same time. I can hear him slur
ping and I glance back to see his head firmly implanted between the cheeks of my ass. He knows what he’s doing and I find myself screaming with the acoustics of the elevator making my voice travel.

  “I don’t know how you do that, but I’m not complaining. My whole body is vibrating. You have satisfied me more than any man in my life. It’s uncanny how you can possibly know which buttons to push to make me your slave,” I stumble over the last word taken by surprise by the formation of another climax ripping through me making me powerless to fight back against an overwhelming force.

  I finally find some relief when he sits back and licks his mouth with the tip of his tongue. I turn around with my breath short and holding onto my pounding heart with my hand. I can barely breathe and I can see the sense of accomplishment on his features.

  “You have only yourself to blame for being that delicious. I became ravenous with a hunger that rivaled anything I have felt in my life. I don’t care about my own pleasure and I found a guilty thrill out of seeing your face turn into a mask of euphoria.” He smacks his lips and I can tell that he’s searching for the last droplet like an addiction he can’t seem to break.

  “Don’t even think about it. I couldn’t possibly do that again without some kind of breather. I’m sure that we gave those watching from the camera room a show to remember. I feel a little embarrassed, but it’s not like we can go back in time.” I close my legs to make sure the temptation doesn’t make him want to consume me until there is nothing left.

  “You are insatiable,” He breathlessly whispers while squeezing the evidence of his incorrigible arousal to make me draw my eyes to a certain part of his anatomy.

  “I could say the same thing to you, but I don’t want to give you a swelled head…wait…that’s already happened.” I point out his condition and he shrugs his shoulders obviously waiting for me to return the favour.

  “You do something to me that I can’t explain. Those other women were pale substitutes for the real thing. I don’t know what to expect and how long this will last, but I don’t want to waste any time. I know how I feel, but the question remains if those feelings are returned,” He said while looking at me with this infatuation.

  “I don’t know if I should encourage this kind of behaviour. I certainly don’t want to be accused of enabling you by exchanging one addiction for another.” I move a little closer until I have a hold of his pants.

  “I think any man in their right mind would gladly become addicted to you. I’m just following your lead. You’re beautiful and sweet. I never knew that you were someone waiting for me. I can’t seem to give you up.” I can tell his heart is under my control and I own it, but I don’t think I deserve it.

  I unzip his pants and reach inside to find something strong and resilient begging for some satisfaction. I extract his thick member and my eyes widen by the way that he is leaking profusely.

  “I know this is no time to wax poetic, but this deserves a few words of appreciation. What a specimen. I don’t even know where to begin, but I think that I will start at the bottom and work my way up to the top.” My mouth salivates and I feel this overwhelming urge to suck the head like a lollipop.

  I give into those carnal desires getting my first taste of him and wanting more. He pops clean from my mouth spit-shined, but there’s still more producing with a bubble of clear liquid which sticks to my tongue when I swipe it off. I feel him buck and it makes me want to please him in a not so subtle way. I have been thinking about it all the time and there’s no use fighting it.

  I didn’t waste time and let the weight of his shaft lay heavily against my outstretched tongue. I consume him with the head leading the charge to the back of my mouth. The salt of his skin tantalize me and the heat of his seed drives me to extreme lengths to make him explode.

  I want all of it and I found a willing victim. Raven is lifting his pelvis and is soon fucking my mouth making my lips stretch around the invading force of his instrument.

  “I knew it was going to be good, but I had no idea it was going to be this good. Those lips could make any man your willing toy. That fucking mouth has me on the verge of filling it. That is what you want… isn’t it?” He questions and I look up at him with my mouth full to answer him with unspoken words conveyed in my eyes.

  I get a little bolder by releasing his balls and cradling them in the warm embrace of my hands. I know there’s a reckoning coming, but the only thing I can think about is how it will feel when he begins shooting indiscriminately.

  I stop for a moment with his glistening shaft staring at me. I dip lower and inhale one of his balls before doing the same thing to the other one. I still stroke his cock with the throbbing vein down the back threatening to unleash what is building with pressure inside of him.

  These thoughts have kept me up that night. Fantasies usually never measure up to the real thing, but this is the exception to the rule. I’ve never been this forthright about my sexual desires. I know what I want and how to get it and his reaction is surprisingly thrilling.

  Those low moans begin to grow in tempo until the inevitable is about to happen. It’s at that time when the elevator begins to move and his cock begins to shudder with the head pulsating while firing across my tongue giving me a mini-climax from going down on him.

  Unfortunately, I don’t have the chance to savor the moment and we have to make ourselves presentable before the doors open.

  Chapter 10


  I remember how her lips felt wrapped around me in a tight inviting embrace. The elevator door opened and she bolted apologizing over and over again underneath her breath. I wanted to pursue, but it didn’t feel right like somehow I was making her do something that was causing her concern.

  That was two days ago and she called in sick claiming to be under the weather. I didn’t question it, but her refusal to meet me halfway was getting on my last nerve.

  I’m in the hallway staring at her door with the do not disturb sign on the handle. I have a bouquet of roses and a tub of homemade chicken soup. It was a painstaking effort, but I found recipes left behind by my grandmother. It was a labor of love. I wanted her to see that the physical connection between us wasn’t the only thing I wanted from her.

  I did notice that security was beefed up and I couldn’t go anywhere without my shadow. His name is Bruce Maxwell, but he doesn’t say much. The only thing he tells me is that Quinn hired him personally and that he was expressly told never to leave my sight.

  “Don’t even say anything and I can tell from the way that you look at me you don’t think this is a good idea. I never thought in a million years that I would be affected by a woman like this. She’s giving me nothing of encouragement and I can’t go one more day without confronting her.” He doesn’t nod or even indicates that he is listening, but I find saying it out loud is therapeutic.

  I knock on the door with my heart in my mouth trying to balance both the hot to the touch soup container and the flowers. The flowers slip from my hand and land at the threshold of the door when it finally opens.

  I retrieve the flowers and look up to see her standing in the light.

  She’s wearing one of the hotel’s robes and I can see the swell of her breasts. She waves me inside not the least bit happy to see me.

  “You should probably leave before this fairy tale romance you have conjured in your head blows up in your face. I’m not the woman you think I am and it pains me to see this admiration in your eyes.” She goes into the bedroom and comes out carrying her phone.

  She looks frazzled and inconsolable. I suspect this has something to do with what she had to tell me and I didn’t give her the chance.

  I desperately want to pick her up and carry her into the bedroom for a night of lovemaking that will make her toes curl. I refrain afraid of sending the wrong signal. She wants to talk. She keeps looking at me and back at the phone like there is going to be some kind of big revelation.

  Her hotel roo
m is tastefully decorated with a few personal touches. The pink blanket on the bed isn’t from the hotel. She obviously needed some kind of reminder from home to make things bearable when she was on the road.

  I forget sometimes that I might be the only one used to the hectic work schedule. Going on tour isn’t for everybody and can make you feel homesick quicker than you imagine.

  She goes to the window and suddenly begins breathing heavily with her hands on her knees. I go to comfort her, but she stops me in my tracks with a hand outstretched behind her like a traffic cop.

  “I’ve been trying to come up with the right words to soften the blow, but I don’t think there is any way to do that.” She takes a deep breath and sits down on the bed with her legs spread slightly to give me ideas.

  I can’t seem to forget the way she tastes and how she felt in my arms. I want to extend the intimacy, but I know she’s trying to keep me at a distance. I can’t act like a Neanderthal. It kills me, but I give her space by staying a few feet away.

  “I know you said it’s important and maybe I was wrong to stop you from saying what is on your mind. Just don’t tell me that you are quitting. I will end up wearing two different socks unable to cope.” I make light and she forces a meek smile, but I know this is no time for jokes.

  “I’m not quitting, but I have a feeling you’re going to fire me and I won’t blame you. This whole thing could have been avoided had we never met. I wish to god I could go back and change things, but I can’t. I spent the last two days trying to make things right, but I keep hitting my head against a brick wall,” She said, holding my attention and I got this bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

  “I honestly can’t think of any reason why I would fire you. You make everything easy like clockwork. I don’t have to think about anything when I know that you are on the job. Everything is taken care of,” I praise her talents, thinking I have to do something to prevent her from kicking herself.