Hot Rock Star Daddy An Alpha Male Romance Read online

  Hot Rock Star Daddy

  An Alpha Male Romance



  Copyright © 2018 by Claire Angel

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. While, as in all fiction, the literary perceptions and insights are based on life experiences and conclusions drawn from research, all names, characters, places and specific instances are products of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously. No actual reference to any real person, living or dead, is intended or inferred.


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  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12





  I never thought he would notice me. What I was thinking? Getting close to him is only causing more trouble.

  It wasn’t supposed to be like this. I’m trapped by the way he looks at me.

  Raven is bigger than life.

  He has admirers willing to be with him.

  Competing for his affection wasn’t something I thought about.

  The man makes me melt.

  The very thought of being with him sets me on fire.

  A brief touch makes me speechless.

  Can I truly go through with it?

  The price is a hefty one.

  I’ve come too far to go back with nothing.

  The way he talks makes me feel unspoken feelings of lust.

  I’m his angel. I do almost everything for him.

  There’s just one thing not on the table…my body.

  He knows how to make my temperature rise. What happens when I get too close to the fire? Are we going to burn together in the sheets?


  Chapter 1


  I’m overqualified, but I get paid extremely well for my services. Raven is demanding of my time, but being with him is exactly where I want to be. I’m learning a lot and the atmosphere is ripe with sexual tension.

  His moves on stage captivate the audience and has them clamouring for an encore performance. The women undress him with their eyes. It’s easy to recognize the signs of their arousal by the expression of wanton lust on their faces.

  “Tyson is going to be extremely pleased with the turnout and ticket sales. I know you don’t want to hear this, but Raven wouldn’t be where he is today without you.” Lindsay is the manager of the auditorium and even she isn’t immune to his sexual aura.

  Tyson is the man behind the scenes of a talent agency reaping the rewards for Raven’s success.

  I can’t imagine how he is going to resist her charms. The red leather skirt is so damn short and revealing. I’ve seen her bend over in front of him several times to garner his undivided attention.

  My attire is nothing compared to the raw sexuality she projects. This girl is laughing at his jokes and touching him inappropriately. There are times I want to slap the taste out of her mouth. It’s a fleeting moment before I come to my senses.

  I’m well aware that he has a type. Of course, it’s the blond airheads flaunting their desire by wearing seductive clothing to make him pant after them like a starving dog.

  It’s all a bunch of noise and I can barely stand the unpronounceable words coming out of his mouth. It sounds like he is screaming but it doesn’t seem to bother his loyal fans.

  “I’m just a cog in the wheel of what has turned into a production. It’s about having everything in place when he steps out onto that stage to greet his fans,” I said, finding my words lost by her admiration for those custom-made black leather pants hugging his masculine form.

  I’m never going to measure up to those of impressionable age. I feel like wallpaper living like a fly on the wall to see him degrade himself in front of them for their amusement. He is a showman and he knows how to put those asses in the seats to sell out a show worth the price of admission.

  I’m 5’7 with a bit more curves than the average woman at a little over 140 pounds. I’m not fireproof. I have a visible response to his presence.

  I don’t go out of my way to be recognized for all the hard work I do for him on the road. It’s a thankless job, but my bank account makes up for his lack of praise.

  “Quinn, I don’t have any idea how you work with him without wanting to do something. His charisma is amazing and he really knows how to play to his strengths. He could sing the phone book and still make it sound sensual,” She pants and moves closer with her fingers outstretched looking to get her hands on a certain part of his anatomy.

  “I’ve never thought about it.” I’m lying through my teeth.

  There are nights I lie there sleepless looking at the ceiling wondering if it would be in bad taste to go down to his room and knock on his door.

  I have to continually remind myself that his body is off limits. It’s not easy when he has no shame. Walking around naked is a common occurrence and he never thinks for one moment it makes me uncomfortable.

  “My husband is always away on business. There’s only so much temptation I can stand before I have to do something about it,” She sputters unable to keep her eyes off of the prize.

  I have to think of something to keep them from twisting in the sheets in ecstasy. It shouldn’t bother me, but it does. I can’t stand the very thought of him defiling this woman.

  I have to admit Lindsay does have the attributes that he’s looking for in a woman. She might make him forget about all the rest. That will be over my dead body.

  “The sanctity of marriage is vastly underrated these days. Fidelity seems like a four letter word. I’m certainly not telling you what to do, but maybe you should think about it before you ruin what you have built. Is it worth the heartache that comes with 1 hour of temporary pleasure?” I asked feeding on her insecurity and making her look at the wedding ring on her finger.

  “I don’t need to hear this. I’m still not sure what you’re saying is enough to make me forget about him in those leather pants. An opportunity like this doesn’t come around often and I’m having a hard time letting it slip through my fingers,” She confesses, but I can see my whispered words have had their effect.

  “It’s not like you have to listen to me. I’m no
t putting a gun to your head to convince you one way or the other. Ultimately, it is your decision and you’ll have to look at yourself in the mirror in the morning.” I’m attempting to sway her away from those naughty thoughts of Raven.

  There’s no doubt he has a stage presence to rival some of the greats. Raven has this mystique to get the women in the mood to do something unpredictable. His long hair is a throwback to a carefree era and we imagine what it might be like to have those flowing locks slapping us lightly in the face.

  “I know what you’re saying is the truth and I appreciate it, but maybe you should walk a mile in my shoes before you judge me unfairly,” She suggests with her tone cold enough, to freeze me in my tracks.

  I can understand how she might feel I was stepping on her toes. I don’t feel good about it, but the voice inside my head is applauding my efforts. It made me smile but there is no outward sign of the pleasure I was taking at their expense.

  “I’m in no position to judge you and I have my own problems. Everybody has a story to tell and we all have a past that chases us. We don’t know each other that well, but I can tell you are a good person inside. Everybody makes mistakes, but I would hate to see you ruin your life over this one.” I’m keeping my tone neutral to make sure she doesn’t see my ulterior motives.

  I turn my attention back to Raven and those yoga classes are paying off in a most unexpected way. He’s doing a split to the raucous crowd screaming his name at the top of the lungs. I would be right with them, but it would be unprofessional to act in such a manner.

  “I don’t care about morality and those are the kind of moves that can be translated into the bedroom. The way he just did that put a lot of obscene ideas in my head. I’m not going to live my life with regrets,” She said with her body, doing the talking for her.

  There is no point in trying to talk her out of it when she has already made up her mind.

  He has them practically rioting to get on the stage. Personal security is taking measures by standing in front of his loyal followers. I can tell they have their hands full.

  He’s doing his last song and it’s a ballad. Everybody is holding their phones up in the air waving them back and forth with the rhythm of the music. It’s quite obvious how this song makes them react like anxious teenagers. I see their adoring eyes and how their panties suddenly appear in their hands.

  Things are getting out of hand and I feel like the whole place is going to explode. His fan base is one for the record books and he doesn’t even recognize the power he has over them. He’s completely oblivious.

  I actually can’t remember the last time I found him half undressed with a woman staggering from the room. It is possible he’s turning over a new leaf after reuniting with his daughter after years of being apart.

  “I have some things to do, but I feel I should warn you about his medical condition. I can’t go into specifics.” I’m trying to be subtle to something which could be viral and cause her more problems than it was worth.

  “I’m going to have to ask you to be more forthright. You can’t say something like that and leave it alone,” She pleads with her hands holding onto my shoulders.

  “It’s not my place to say. I’m just trying to look out for you. You can either take my advice or ignore it altogether.” I’m watching him and he steals a glance in my direction making me a little self-conscious about my appearance.

  Lindsay walks away and I have a feeling that the imprint of her body is not going to be found on his mattress in the morning.

  I think of the extraordinary ways he has made me see myself differently in the few months I have been working with him. I’m well aware of his penchant for drinking incessantly, but his daughter has been a good influence on him. His stay in rehab put him on the road to recovery and he has shown himself to be resilient when the chips are down.

  Seeing him in his element takes my breath away, but I have to remember the reason why I’m with him. There is a method to my madness, but those words are never going to come out of my mouth.

  He swaggers off the stage and his smile suddenly turns into a frown in a matter of seconds. To see him you would think he had the world in the palm of his hands. He grumbles underneath his breath and I follow him back to his dressing room to attend to his every whim.

  “I love them dearly, but they seem like they’re getting louder every day. I think I have been blinded by alcohol and other illegal substances to notice the loud noises and lights.” He’s rubbing his temples with his eyes closed trying to block out everything around him.

  I never thought for a moment meditation and yoga was going to become a part of his daily regiment. I thought he was a lost cause, but this new man was starting to make me a believer.

  “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this is how it’s always been. Drink your water and there’s a change of clothes ready for you. The limousine is waiting out back to take you back to the hotel room. The service promises discretion. You might want to wear the ball hat,” I suggest about to turn my back when I realize he’s getting naked in front of me.

  “Tamara has changed my life, but I’m not sure if it’s for the better or worse,” He laments and shows off his famous backside framed in my mind’s eye.

  “I’m not sure it matters, but I’ve seen a real change in you since rekindling your relationship with your daughter.” He catches me off guard by turning in profile with his hand touching my cheek and my eyes drawn to his growing excitement.

  “You have no idea how much your opinion matters to me. Everything runs like clockwork because you are at the helm of the ship. Thank you doesn’t seem like enough and I’m not sure if I’ve ever said those words to you in the time you have been working for me. Let me rectify that miscarriage of justice with dinner tomorrow night.”

  He has never shown any interest in me in the past and I’m not sure what to say. I absentmindedly nod my head in compliance completely underneath his spell. I could feel my world is changing with an invitation that promises to be an interesting evening.

  Will I be bold and brazen and show him the daring side of my personality? There are still three cities on his tour and I’m going to be with him every step of the way.

  I’ve already committed to memory the body those women crave and dream about in their fantasies. It’s easy for me and it’s not the first time I have witnessed his shameless behaviour. God forgive me, but I hope it’s not the last.

  Chapter 2


  Success is measured by ticket sales and my star is on the rise once again. Tyson is responsible for the resurgence of my popularity, but it wouldn’t have happened without my daughter. Tamara found it necessary to breathe new life into our relationship.

  I stand in wonder wearing a white fluffy robe looking at the city lights. Under the influence, none of this made me smile, but being stone cold sober made everything crystal clear. My complexion is no longer ghostly and I feel I have more energy to face the day. I no longer sleep until noon and my eating habits have drastically changed to something healthier to keep me more vibrant and alive.

  I have her to thanks for keeping things on track and she has become a godsend. Quinn is efficient as she knows exactly what I want without me saying a single word. I’ve never noticed the hard work and her dedication to my demands. I’m starting to see that there’s more to her than her work ethic.

  “This is what life is all about,” I said, breathing in the air and seeing the colors of the leaves changing right in front of my eyes.

  “I’ve been trying to tell you to stop and smell the roses, but you don’t listen. How can any of this compete to sleeping with complete strangers and drinking yourself into a stupor every night,” Quinn mocks and I can hear it in her tone she’s making fun of me.

  I shed the robe, letting it drop to my feet. I don’t do it for shock value and I’ve always been comfortable in my own skin.

  I stomach the health drink made from a medley
of vegetables clutched in my fist. It certainly does taste better than it looks. Puke green is no my color. I feel the toxins leaving my body with every swallow.

  “I understand you’re a little upset, but I would think you might have some sympathy for me. I don’t need a real drink to feel something. I’m actually getting back in touch with my roots when it comes to my music. My creative juices are coming back and I’m ready to write again. You should really take a page from my book and take off your clothes to become one with nature.” I raise my hands in respect for the sun and invite the warmth to touch my skin.

  “I’m amazed at some of the things that are coming out of your mouth lately. You’re not the same person with a sense of entitlement to make those around you feel awkward.” She was in the perfect position to see how I have been sculpting my body with flexible yoga.

  My daughter told me things had to change if I wanted to be a part of her life and I grudgingly agreed to make a few tweaks to my lifestyle. I no longer needed those one night stands to feel validated. Tyson was the first to call me on my behaviour, but my daughter Tamara was the one that finally made me see what was right in front of my eyes.

  “I know it hasn’t been easy living with me, but I’m going to do what I can to make it better for the both of us. It’s always been my way or the highway and I can see how that can rub people the wrong way. I want you to be my conscience and that little voice in the back of my head when I start to revert to my old ways.” I sit down in the Lotus position, feeling more comfortable every day without the pains from using muscles I’ve never used before.

  I’m chanting a mantra feeling like there is no obstacle I can’t overcome. My daughter visits often, but she has her own life becoming a star in her own right. Her voice is like an angel and she has the boys wrapped around her little finger. She has become a role model to emulate with her clean living as part of her public image.