Hot Rock Star Daddy An Alpha Male Romance Read online

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  Some loyal fans won’t like it, but others will find it an evolution of his natural talent. There will be a period of adjustment, but nothing can prepare them for his heart-stopping voice.

  The acoustics in the auditorium are amazing. His voice travels and surrounds the room attacking me from every angle. There’s no place to hide and my body responds with my panties becoming wet to the touch.

  I’m fighting my feelings for this new man emerging from the cocoon of a different one. He’s shedding the skin of who he once was to be replaced with someone caring and understanding. I see his internal struggle and I want to comfort him to give him the encouragement to fiercely battle on.

  He can never wipe away the past and it will always be there haunting him from a distance. He probably doesn’t remember and I’m in no position to walk down memory lane. Opening up old wounds can cause them to fester into something unrecognizable.

  The letters were meant to get close to him to give him a reason to fear for his life. I want him to know what it feels like. He can’t know the path I have taken to get here, but I’m having second thoughts.

  “I really don’t know what you’re waiting for and it’s easy to see that you make him happy. Take a good look and tell me that you don’t feel something. Even a spark can turn into a flame when you fan it. I’m willing to bet it wouldn’t take much to convince him to give you a chance. You both deserve happiness and why not find it in each other’s arms,” She implores and I feel myself blushing from those words conveying how he might feel about me.

  “This whole thing is ridiculous. I can’t imagine even contemplating dating him let alone sleeping with him after everything I’ve seen in the past few months. I know what you are going to say and I agree with you in theory, but it’s been my personal experience leopards don’t change their spots,” I sputter, trying to talk myself out of giving him a second chance to rise above my low expectations of him.

  I’m not even listening to the words anymore and it’s the thrust of his hips giving me naughty ideas. He grinds his pelvis around in a circle. I gasp underneath my breath with the very notion of feeling what he is in possession of.

  The man is notorious at loving them and leaving them.

  His body is imprinted in my mind. I can close my eyes and see him completely naked with this huge insidious smile on his face.

  It was five years ago and I should have put it past me, but he couldn’t be allowed to get away with acting like a cavalier fool. We had made no commitments to one another and I counted myself as one of the lucky few who didn’t have the misfortune of sleeping with him. It did leave a bad taste in my mouth which followed me into other relationships.

  I remember that day like it happened yesterday.

  We saw each other across the crowded dance floor. I thought I was deluding myself until he welcomed me into his arms. He held me in a loving embrace, holding me close and letting me feel something more than his hands.

  The way we moved on the dance floor had everybody watching. It was obscene, but it felt natural to give in to those impulses. I was worked up and ready to convene to a private place when his eyes strayed to another.

  I could understand his fascination with a woman in the little black dress barely containing her obvious flotation devices.

  It hurt me severely when he walked away for an easy score beckoning him to the bathroom down the hallway.

  He didn’t have to give in and I felt like a damn fool with that feeling of everybody judging me underneath the microscope.

  I knew what I would see, but I still walked down the hallway until I could see them going into one of the stalls. I heard the giggle and the moan of hungry acceptance.

  My anger got the best of me and I punched the mirror with my reflection looking back at me. I cut my knuckles in the process, but the pain was swimming upstream against the feeling of being scorned.

  It was at that moment I decided to make him my pet project.

  A friend of mine got me in touch with an unsavoury element. We didn’t meet face to face and I had no idea what he looked like. Communication took place over the Internet with the funds transferred.

  The man promised to destroy everything of his leaving him with nothing.

  It was exactly what I wanted, but things had changed. I had no way to contact him other than the e-mail address that had gone silent after we had finished our business with one another. I’m kind of hoping he just took my money and ran, but I don’t think I’m going to get that lucky.

  My phone buzzes incessantly summoning me outside for a delivery. I made my way to the front entrance, but there is no delivery.

  I look down at my phone with my heart in my throat. The man I had reached out to during a moment of weakness is letting me know how accidents can happen when you least expect them. It doesn’t make any sense until I am startled by something more than honking horns driving by.

  I hear the screams and I run back to find the doors leading into the auditorium have been sealed shut with a chain and padlock.

  There is smoke coming out from underneath. Somebody in panic mode is banging and I hear muffled voices shielded from my ears by the metal doors. The doors are an immovable force and getting in is going to take more than pulling the fire alarm.

  I fear the worst and the responsibility of what happens next is on my shoulders. I have to get inside by any measure, but I can’t think straight with everything that is going on around me.

  I go into a state of shock with my mind shutting down.

  Chapter 6


  It’s a little debilitating and I can’t see the hand in front of my face. The smoke is thick and I have no idea where the flames are coming from. I’m trying to reach my daughter and I hear her voice frantic to get out.

  “For the love of God, open up this door before we burn alive. Does anybody hear me out there?” I can hear her voice and I see this shape forming in front of me.

  I almost trip over Benjamin crawling along the floor doing what they taught us in school. I join him and I tug at my daughter’s leg, tearing off a piece of my shirt to cover her mouth when she is lying in my arms sobbing like a little baby.

  “I know this won’t be a favourable idea, but we need to find a way out of here by splitting up. I seem to recall there is an exit sign at the top of the stairs, but I don’t think it’s the only one. I don’t know what is happening, but we need to remain level-headed. I know that sounds strange coming from me and maybe there is a reason for my abrupt sobriety.” I can hear something crackling and the fire is obviously burning whatever is in its path indiscriminately.

  Tamara is unresponsive and there’s no way I can leave her in her current condition.

  My two other band members Jackson and Peter went out on a coffee run to give us that caffeine boost to continue rehearsing.

  It has to be an accidental fire caused by faulty wiring in the walls. Nobody will really know the truth until the fire inspector is able to make his determination.

  “It looks like it’s up to the two of us and I wouldn’t have it any other way. You are my brother from another mother. I will try to make my way over to the other side of the room using what I remember. It’s not like we’ve been here that long, but most of these places are designed in a similar way. Stay here and try to get somebody’s attention outside the door,” He urges with one hand on my shoulder and the other one holding a piece of cloth against his mouth to limit smoke inhalation.

  I hear something outside the door and I’m filled with the hope that somebody is going to come to our rescue. I press my ear to the door and the familiar voice makes me smile.

  I was preoccupied to notice her leave the room, but I was happy that she wasn’t in here with us.

  Quinn is lucky and I feel relieved not to have to worry about her safety.

  “Why is this happening to us? We just found each other after all this time and it feels like cruel and unusual punishment to take
it away. I don’t know if we are going to die, but I’m glad your face might be the last one I see,” She sputters and holds my hand looking up at me with pleading eyes.

  “I can’t answer that question, but we’re not dead yet. As long as we’re still breathing then there’s still hope and I don’t want you to lose it. The human spirit is resilient and we can overcome any obstacle. Believe in that and believe in me. I swear that I will get us out of this,” I assured, but I’m still not sure how to go about doing it.

  It sounds good coming out of my mouth, but utilizing it into actions is another matter altogether.

  “Hold on… help is coming…don’t give up on me.” Quinn is on the other side of the door and I place my palm against it thinking that she’s doing the same thing.

  I can’t say anything with my mouth covered, but she knows we are there and that’s half the battle. I want to scream how she has made me a better man by being in my life. It’s times like these which makes me realize what is truly important. Pettiness and vindictive fighting are counterproductive.

  My daughter is the most important thing in my life and I feel a fatherly obligation come over me. I take a deep breath and I stand in defiance of the smoke trying to choke me out.

  “The fire department will be here shortly. They apparently got caught in a traffic jam caused by a three-car pileup. The one thing I can tell you is that the fire has not spread out here. I don’t know how long that’s going to last, but it’s possible the fire department will be able to contain it to that one room once they get you out,” Quinn said, lending a bit of hope in an otherwise hopeless situation.

  I grab my daughter by the wrist and she resists for a moment until she realizes we don’t have any other choice. Something is preventing the door from opening on the other side. If it was easy, Quinn would already be doing it. I don’t know the obstacle standing in my way, but it has to be quite significant. There’s no point in thinking about it when our continued survival is at stake.

  We are still on the floor crawling on our hands and knees, slithering a few inches at a time through the murky haze making it difficult to ascertain where we’re at.

  The floor is warm to the touch and getting closer to the fire doesn’t seem like a prudent idea. It’s a risk, but if one door is open then we have a chance to break free of the carbon monoxide. I can feel it burning my lungs, but I know taking the cloth away from my mouth is going to cause more harm than good.

  I finally see the fire on stage when the smoke clears for a second. The extension cord connecting all of our equipment is charred black with the wires exposed. It is a sickening feeling to feel helpless, but I can’t give it much thought without falling into the pitfalls of despair.

  My daughter is right and I have deep feelings for Quinn. She’s different and wears her heart on her sleeve. It’s actually refreshing to know that there isn’t much that she can hide from me. I can’t say that for other women trying to get their hands in my pants for their 5 minutes of fame.

  I lost count at how many times a woman is seen being interviewed. They talk about my selfish behaviour, but they are not very shy about my prowess in the bedroom. They are quite complimentary praising my talents onstage and off.

  Word of mouth is a wonderful thing and my dance card is usually full most nights when I’m on tour. My reputation does precede me.

  I hear heavy breathing and I’m jarred from my trip down memory lane. It’s true about seeing your life flash before your eyes when you are faced with your own mortality.

  “I’ve checked…every door and they won’t budge. I don’t know what else to do. I don’t mind…admitting that I’m scared to death and my worst fear…is burning alive after what happened to my parents.” Benjamin is barely keeping it together and I had almost forgotten about the fire he had survived, but the same thing couldn’t be said for his parents.

  “I can’t have the both of you shutting down on me. The only way that we’re going to get out of here is by working together. Quinn has informed me the fire department is on its way but is temporarily delayed. We just need to find some way out of here.” I look around and suddenly I peer upward to the rafters where the smoke is thicker.

  I remember coming in early and lying down on stage looking up at the ceiling. There is a skylight. I remember the sun and its early morning rise impacting the stained glass. It was beautiful.

  “I have an idea, but you are going to think that I’m pretty damn crazy for thinking about it. We need to get up to the rafters. There’s a window which will lead us to the roof. I won’t do this without the consensus of the both of you. I will say that we might not have to wait for somebody to come to our rescue when we can do it ourselves.” I’m making it sound good, but it’s a last-ditch effort and might be like coming out of the frying pan and into the fire.

  They don’t say anything, but they do nod their heads in compliance most likely afraid of the alternative. Sticking around isn’t an option and I can see the fire spreading along the beams, feeding on the oxygen in the room and destroying everything in its path of destruction.

  “I need my father more than ever. I’m sorry it took us this long to find our way back to one another. I would never want to speak ill of the dead, but mother had some disparaging words to say about you.” I know how her mind has been poisoned against me, but she didn’t let it prevent her from reaching out after her mother’s funeral.

  “I’m right here with you and I will do everything in my power to make sure nothing happens to any of us. I’m no hero, but I’ve always been a survivor. I probably won’t have the chance to say this again, but your mother was a vindictive bitch,” My attempt at inserting some levity is met with my daughter laughing through the cloth over her mouth despite the circumstances.

  I find a ladder and I believe it’s a possible access to the roof.

  “Are you sure about this?” Benjamin questions and I really don’t know how to answer him without the crack in my voice telling him more than he wants to know.

  “I trust my father and so should you.” She’s giving me a false sense of security and I grab onto it like a life preserver.

  “We’re going to go slow, but steadily. Don’t look down and keep moving one rung after another.” There’s a tear on both of my shoulders and I give a silent prayer to the man above before ripping them off exposing my muscular biceps.

  I hand one to my daughter and I’m not sure how to help Benjamin, but he does that for himself. He did the same thing with his shirt.

  This is a concentrated heroic effort when there is no other choice. It matters to me how much time I have left with my daughter. It’s not the only reason why I feel compelled to fight this insurmountable task. I also want to speak candidly with Quinn after we make it out relatively unscathed.

  These situations can bring out the best and the worst in people. Nobody really knows what they will do in any circumstance until they are faced with a decision between life and death.

  I know from my fair share of watching television shows and movies that fire has a life of its own.

  I’m practically blind by the smoke, but I can feel my hand gripping onto the metal ladder. I see the catwalk and I step onto the rickety surface. It’s swaying back and forth. I feel like I’m going to plummet to the floor below, but there’s no way that I can give in so easily to unfounded fears.

  Heights have never been my friend and I try to avoid being in a position where a sense of vertigo can come over me. I can think of far better fates than to die screaming. I’m going to face my fear and look it in the eyes.

  “No…not after everything we have gone through to get here,” Tamara howls and falls to her knees with her hands in the air.

  There are tears streaming down her cheeks.

  I don’t know what is going on until I look up and find us a few feet from our goal. I look around, but I suddenly understand her anguish.

  The window is at least 20 feet above us and there’s n
othing to use to get to it. We made the harrowing ascent for nothing. I stare blindly and I find myself laughing at the absurdity of it all.

  “What the hell are we going to do now? We can’t go back the same way and we can’t go forward either. What does that leave us?” Benjamin asks panic-stricken and looking to me for answers.

  I didn’t have any to offer and every avenue to escape had been pursued to no avail. I’m going to have to make my peace and accept the thing that I cannot change.

  I kneel by my daughter, wrapping my hands around her in the cold comfort of my embrace. I hold out my hand and Benjamin takes it.

  We all begin to recite the bible finding religion in our hour of need looking for a higher power for assistance.

  Chapter 7


  The only thing I can do is watch immobilized by fear. I called for the fire department and I can hear the sirens in the distance getting closer, but maybe that’s wishful thinking.

  I touch the door and I back away startled by the heat. It literally burns me and I suck on my finger instinctively. I didn’t hear anything from them from the other side of the door and maybe it’s a good thing. I don’t feel very good about my assumption, but dying of smoke inhalation is far more preferable than burning alive.

  I didn’t hear them screaming. It is a cold comfort.

  In a blind rage, I search the area until I find the fire extinguisher attached to the wall in a glass compartment.

  I break the glass with my elbow and take the apparatus getting intimately acquainted with it. I will gladly walk into the fire with the fire extinguisher on full blast to give them a path to safety.

  I look blankly at the imposing chain and huge padlock. I immediately imagine his face begging for me to do something and I go crazy.

  I begin smacking the bottom of the extinguisher against the lock rapidly. It’s my last chance to save them, but the padlock is barely scratched during my onslaught.